If EventSentry reports Access Denied when trying to read data from the temperature and/or humidity environment sensor then this usually means that another application running on this machine has exclusive access to the serial COM port the sensor is attached to. If another application is blocking the same COM port that EventSentry is using th...

KB-ID 84
Category: Environment Sensors
Applies to: All Versions

Yes in order for the sensors to work you will have to connect the USB cable as well as the serial cable. The sensor draws power through the USB cable.

KB-ID 101
Category: Environment Sensors
Applies to: All Versions

The enviroment sensors used and supported by EventSentry require the USB port only to draw power no communication is sent via USB. It depends on the mainboard of the server/workstation on whether power is still delivered to the USB ports even when they are disabled. In most cases however power is delivered to the USB ports even when you di...

KB-ID 125
Category: Environment Sensors

In order to use the USBonly temperature or humidity environment sensor the Virtual COM port VCP drivers need to be installed on the host on which the sensor is to be connected. The VCP driver emulates a standard PC serial port such that the USB device may be communicated with as a standard RS232 device. The EventSentry management console ...

KB-ID 213
Category: Environment Sensors
Applies to: 2.93 and higher

Yes only the EventSentry agent is required to monitor temperature humidity water and/or smoke. The management console is needed to configure these sensors however. To configure the sensors copy eventsentryguix64.exe or eventsentrygui.exe for 32bit agents from the C:\Program Files x86\EventSentry folder on the EventSentry serve...

KB-ID 226
Category: Environment Sensors
Applies to: All Versions

Each day the smoke sensor does an internal self test that lasts about 20 seconds. EventSentry therefore ignores readings that last less than this time period. If you would like to test it make sure you trigger it for a longer interval such as 30 seconds.

KB-ID 233
Category: Environment Sensors

You can use the USBbased Environment Sensors with a virtual machine by redirecting the USB port from the Virtual Machine Host computer to the Virtual Machine Guest computer. To redirect the USB port in VMWare: https://www.vmware.com/files/pdf/techpaper/vmwarehorizonviewusbdeviceredirection.pdf To redirect the USB port in HyperV: h...

KB-ID 287
Category: Environment Sensors
Applies to: 3.0 and newer

First you would need to verify which COM port the sensor is attached to. In this example we will use COM3 but you would want to specify the COM port that your sensor is attached to. To test whether the sensor is able to be queried via COM3 you can download putty.exe https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/sgtatham/putty/download.html and t...

KB-ID 293
Category: Environment Sensors
Applies to: All Versions

The HWgSTE2 LITE has one RJ11 connector and ships with a single temperature sensor out of the box. Monitoring something other than temperature requires that the respective sensor e.g. water/flood detection be attached instead of the default temperature sensor this sensor can be mothballed. Attaching multiple sensors is only possible in ...

KB-ID 525
Category: Environment Sensors